
Dr Az Hakeem offers an initial psychiatric assessment as an outpatient which usually takes around an hour. Following the assessment, a diagnosis and treatment plan will be discussed with you.

Dr Az Hakeem treats most mental health disorders and also offers treatment for alcohol dependence and some other addictions.

Treatments may consist of medication and some form of talking therapy tailored to your specific needs. Talking therapy will either be by carefully selected psychotherapist colleagues or by Dr Az Hakeem.

All treatment options including possible medications, types of therapy, therapist and treatment setting will be discussed with you at your appointment and tailored to your bespoke needs.

All consultations take place in comfortable settings to put you at ease and are confidential, with necessary communications being made to relevant other professionals involved in your care, including your GP, with consent.

Key Benefits

Plus_Icon_Green   Care

Plus_Icon_Green   In Confidence

Plus_Icon_Green   In a Comfortable setting

Contact to arrange an appointment

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